


POL101 정치학개론(Introduction to Political Science)
POL171 국제관계 입문 (Introduction to International Relations)
POL104 정치통계와 데이터 분석(Statistics of Social Sciences)
POL221 정치의 이해와 분석 (Political Uderstanding and Analysis)


POL211 고대정치사상의 이해 (Ancient and Medieval Political Theory)
POL212 근현대정치사상의 이해 (Modern and Contemporary Political Theory)
POL276 국제전략론 (Study of Strategies in International Relations)
POL222 합리적 선택과 정치학 모델 (Rational Choice and Formal Modelling)
POL225 중국과 대외관계 (Foreign Relations of China)
POL231 비교정치 (Comparative Politics)
POL234 정치경제학 (Political Economy)
POL236 민주주의와 선거제도 (Democracy and Electoral Institutions)
POL237 대중매체와 정치 (Mass Media and Politics)
POL241 한국정치 (Korean Politics)
POL242 한국정치사 (History of Korean Politics)
POL251 미국정치 (American Politics)
POL252 중국정치(Chinese Politics)
POL253 일본정치 (Japanese Politics)
POL254 유럽정치 (European Politics)
POL256 동남아정치 (South-east Asian Politics)
POL257 북한정치 (Politics of North Korea)
POL271 국제정치사 (Diplomatic Politics)
POL272 전쟁과 평화 (War and Peace)
POL273 한국외교정책 (Korean Foreign Policy)
POL275 미중관계론(U.S.-China Relations)
POL330 법과 정치 (Laws and Politics)
POL331 여론과 선거경쟁 (Public Opinion and Electoral Competition)
POL332 정치체제론 (Analysis of Political System)
POL343 정당정치론 (Party Politics)
POL344 의회정치론 (Politics in Assembly)
POL372 국제정치경제 (International Political Economy)
POL373 현대 동아시아 국제관계 (Contemporary International Relations in East Asia)
POL374 국제관계의 이해 (Understanding of International Relations)
POL430 기업과 정치 (Business and Politics)
POL434 선진산업국 정치경제 (Globalization Political Economy of Advanced Countries)
POL435 현대정치세미나 (Seminar in Contemporary Politics)
POL471 국제기구 (International Organizations)
SSC201 데이터분석 방법과 적용 (Data Analysis and Its Application)
SSS411,414,415 사회과학인턴십 1,2,3 (Social Science Internship 1,2,3)


ECON111 경제원론1 (Principles of Economics 1)
PBA111 행정학개론 (Introduction to Public Administration)
PSY100 심리학개론 (Introduction to Psychology)
SOC101 사회학개론 (Introduction to Sociology)
CCMP105 데이터분석기초 (Basic Data Analysis)